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Most Suitable Machine for Farmers & Dairy Farms

Bharat Agritech's Chaff Cutter machine is available in two types. One is the horizontal chaff cutter & the other is vertical chaff cutter. Both these are mechanical devices which are ideal for cutting dry or green fodder into small sized pieces prior to mixing it with other forage & feeding to cattle or horses. Our Chaff Cutter machines are perfectly suitable for fulfilling requirements of the animal husbandry. Both these designs are helpful in minimizing fodder wastage. Moreover, fodder prepared with help of these machines are easy to swallow & more digestible for the animals. This Chaff Cutter machine can prepare fodder from grass, groundnut, paddy, sugarcane, corn, jowar, bajra & others. It is an essential piece of machinery required by jute industries, mushroom farms, dairy farms & individual farmers for feeding livestock. Our Chaff Cutter machines are well known for their quality & are therefore regularly sought by farmers & dairy farms from all over the country.

Additional Information:

Model Specifications Benefits Advantages Disadvantages Attachments
Model Type: 2HP & 3HP Single Phase Variety of several Chaff Cutter models to choose from Top Quality Machines No Disadvantages Installation Services
Model Type: 5HP Three Phase Ideal for farmers with large livestock Makes Fodder from Variety of Crops Guidance by Experts
Model Type: 5HP Three Phase with 3 Blades Perfect for animal husbandry Choose From Model Types Most Suitable
Model Type: Tractor Operated Heavy Duty Chaff Cutter Essential equipment for dairy & mushroom farms Available in Single & Three Phase
Agricultural & industrial applications Suitable for a Variety of Materials Tractor Operated Model is Also Available
Required by jute industries    
Simple & easy machine operation    
Contribute to rural development    
Only one or two helpers are required    

Frequently asked questions by customers:

  1. What is chaff cutter?

    Chaff cutter is a machine which is utilized for cutting dry or green fodder into small sized pieces prior to mixing it with other forage in order to feed to animals. There are two basic types of chaff cutters, horizontal chaff cutter & vertical chaff cutter.

  2. What are the benefits of chaff cutter?

    Fodder which is cut through chaff cutter are easy to swallow & more digestible for animals. Moreover, it is also convenient to the farmer who is having a large livestock. Chaff cutters are extensively utilized in dairy & mushroom farms as well. Chaff cutters are also useful in several other agricultural industries, including the jute industry.

  3. What are advantages of chaff cutter?

    The following are the benefits of chaff cutters.

    • Ideal for farmers with large livestock.
    • Perfect for animal husbandry.
    • Essential equipment for dairy & mushroom farms.
    • Both agricultural & industrial applications.
    • Required by jute industries.
    • Simple & easy to operate.
    • Mechanized agricultural operations

  4. We do not know how to operate chaff cutter? Where can we get training?

    We make it sure to provide with complete guidance, including operation of the machine, when you purchase the chaff cutter machine.

  5. What is the daily production capacity of chaff cutter?

    This will depend upon the type of model you purchase. The smallest chaff cutting machine will be able to deliver at least 100 kg/hr of chopped fodder.

  6. What quantity of space is required for a chaff cutter?

    It occupies very short space. Again, this will depend upon the type of model you purchase. Tractor operated model of chaff cutter is also portable.

  7. Is the noise of chaff cutter high?

    No, noise is very low in comparison to similar models of other chaff cutter brands available in the market.